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Home Aluminium/UPVC Door and Window ALU LANKA (PVT)LTD. Aluminum Doors and Windows price colombo
Alulanka (Pvt) Ltd
In the field architectural fitting for aluminium and glass, the building finishes, both high quality and design flexibility are essential criteria together with installation, safety, reliability and durability.
If you are looking for high quality Building Finishes Alulanka (Pvt) Ltd. is your best choice.We fabricate, manufacture and install a wide range of products and specialize in custom-made manufacture and professional installation of Aluminium Doors & Windows, All kind of: Tempered Glass, Partitions, Wall Cladding, Curtain Walls, Ceilings, Aluminum Pantry, interior, Shower cubical, mirrors & Canopy.
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Specific Types of Aluminum Doors and Windows
Bi-Fold Doors
French Doors
Tilt and Turn Windows
Louvre Windows
Corner Windows
Skylights and Roof Windows
Anodized Finish
Powder Coating
Wood-Grain Finish
Brushed or Polished Finish and D Factor Group make no warranty or representation for any products, services, deals and transactions between the user and the advertisers. Users strictly at their own risk.
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